The Women in the Church (WIC), as a ministry of Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church, seeks to glorify God and serve Christ’s kingdom on this earth. We believe that the entirety of Scripture is inspired and infallible and is to be our guide for faith and life. We seek to support our Session and ministers in their God ordained roles as leaders and shepherds of this body through participation in worship, discipleship, and outreach, as well as seeking to promote the church’s peace and purity as we co-labor in the work of the church.

The Women in the Church, understanding the unity we have in Christ, seeks to unite WRPC in Christian community by helping all our women know and apply increasingly the teachings of Scripture in all areas of life and by seeking to involve them in meaningful communion by equipping them for ministry, service, and care. The goal of this ministry is to aid in the spiritual growth and care of those within our community of faith and to pass our faith along to succeeding generations, both physical and spiritual, teaching them to promote the welfare of Christ’s church, both locally and worldwide.

The Primary Goals of WIC

  1. That our women be taught and increasingly apply the teachings of Scripture so that God would be glorified in our lives,

  2. That we, through the faithful stewardship of our time, talents, and treasures, involve our women in meaningful community and service with one another so that Christ would be glorified through acts of encouragement, mercy, and compassion,

  3. And that we equip our women to support our leadership in the work of the church through worship, discipleship, and outreach so that our church could be found faithful in service to Christ.

WIC Events & Opportunities

Bible Studies - Each spring and fall we have morning and evening Bible studies. The studies normally meet for 10 weeks and are open to women in and outside of WRPC. The morning study meets on the church campus and childcare is available. The evening study meets in a home; childcare is not available. If you are interested please call the church office at 864-297-5257 for more details.

Fellowship - Women in the church meet throughout the year to enjoy fellowship and dinner together at a local restaurant. The location is announced a few weeks in advance to allow ladies to sign up for this opportunity.

WIC Kick-Off - This annual event usually takes place in January and is a time where each WIC committee shares its purpose and then gives our ladies the opportunity to sign up to serve throughout the year.

Ladies’ Annual Conference - Each spring our ladies meet at a local venue for a day of spiritual growth and fellowship. A guest speaker provides the teaching and some of our ladies provide the music. Ladies of all ages are welcome at this event. Breakfast and lunch are provided.

Book Club - Each year, four Christ-centered books are selected to be read, one per quarter. Ladies read the books on their own schedule and then meet to discuss them at the end of each quarter. If you like reading, this is for you!

Prayer Pals - Ladies who choose to participate are paired up with a girl from WRPC who is between the ages of five and ten. Not only do the ladies spend time praying for “their” girl, but they also encourage, write notes, and spend time with them and offer a valuable Christian role model to our covenant children.

WIC Committees - click here for a list of committees.

WIC Cookbook

This is a printable cookbook compiled of recipes from the ladies of WRPC over many years. It is full of tasty recipes!