Our Youth Ministry is Based on the Ordinary Means of Grace

We're attempting to cultivate in our students an appreciation for the ministry of the Word, the right participation in the sacraments, and the life of prayer as God's normal path of growth in the Christian life. We encourage students to see the priority of corporate worship over anything else they do. Therefore, they should always see that their participation with the youth is supplemental.

Our Youth Ministry is Covenantal

We aim primarily at the covenant children of our congregation. We're delighted to have others join our ministry, but our first priority is to minister to the children of this congregation. Therefore, our ministry of the Word and prayer are toward seeing them truly embrace Jesus Christ.

Our Youth Ministry Seeks to be Parental

The best ministry we can do is to assist, encourage, support, supplement and complement healthy family Christian nurture. Many parents are seeking support with their children. We want our ministry to be real, substantive, and responsive to the parent as much as the child. At the same time, our youth ministry comes as part of a package deal as all the resources of the church are directed toward the whole family.

Our Youth Ministry is Relational

We have both Sunday School and Wednesday night meetings that bring our students together during the week. Personal contact through discipleship meetings (though teaching and large group meetings will play a vital role), personal contact in one to one meetings and cultivating friendships between staff/volunteers, and students is key to effective discipleship.

Our Youth Ministry is Discipleship-Oriented

We want to line up with Christ's and the Apostle's goals for our children; that they might become mature Christians rooted and grounded in grace and truth. We're not after large numbers for youth activities, nor do we sponsor high-profile events. Our approach is people-based, rather than program-based, and our desire is not just to see a student pray a prayer, or experience a "spiritual high" at a camp but rather to cultivate a faith and a life that will last.

Schedule of Regular Youth Activities

  • Sundays

Middle & High School Sunday School | 11:20 AM — 12 Noon

  • Wednesdays

Middle & High School Youth Group | 6:40 — 7:30 PM


Associate Pastor for Youth Ministry, Taylor King – Email